Enligt EUs nya Artikel 11 kommer ESTI inte längre kunna länka till andra mediekällor, åtminstone inte utan att betala länkskatt eller göra något olagligt.
The EU has weighed in on to whom the directive will apply, only the biggest of websites need to be worried as a result of the talks that preceded the final Parliament vote. The directive will apply to every website unless it meets all of the following three conditions:
A startup that has been active for less than three years A Website with an annual turnover below €10 million A website with less than 5 million monthly unique visitors
The EU has weighed in on to whom the directive will apply, only the biggest of websites need to be worried as a result of the talks that preceded the final Parliament vote. The directive will apply to every website unless it meets all of the following three conditions:
SvaraRaderaA startup that has been active for less than three years
A Website with an annual turnover below €10 million
A website with less than 5 million monthly unique visitors
Tack Peter för svar. Då kör vi vidare som vanligt men helt förkastligt oavsett trösklar.