onsdag 10 januari 2018

World Debt Is Rising Nearly Three Times As Fast As Total Global Wealth

Som en de första inläggen skrev jag om den rekordhöga globala skulden. Nu har Steve St. Angelo på SRSRoccoReport gjort ett lite längre inlägg om det här.

Hans slutsats: 

"Here’s how I see the future unfolding…
  1. The Falling EROI- Energy Returned On Invested will continue to gut the oil industry, and in time the world will experience CLIFF LIKE declines in global oil production
  2. As oil production suffers massive declines, global debt will become unmanageable.
  3. As debt becomes unmanageable, it starts to collapse.
  4. As debts collapse, so will assets.  Why?  Because debts are the other side of the assets
  5. As assets collapse, so with the value of STOCKS, BONDS, & REAL ESTATE
  6. As investors watch their investments implode, some who still can think for themselves will buy gold and silver
  7. As investors flock into gold and silver, patience will finally pay off for precious metals holders"
Och det kanske stämmer, Gail Tverberg visar att Depressionen på 1930 talet var ett resultat av en energikris. 1913 uppnåddes en lokal topp av energiproduktion (kol). Endast ett världkrig och senare olja gjorde att konjukturen kunde vända upp igen.

Upplever vi nu en ny lokal topp av energiproduktionen?

Välfärd = energi?


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